Unique Interview Questions To Ask An Employer

unique interview questions

Asking unique interview questions can achieve a number of things:

Helps you stand out from the competition

Demonstrates interest and shows engagement

Tests the interviewees knowledge

Unearths unique insights into the company/role

Illustrates your critical thinking abilities 

Helps build rapport

Where you can, tailor the questions so that they’re unique to the company and role you’re applying for:

1. Could you describe a project that would be indicative of the immediate challenges I might encounter in this role?

2. What are the company’s current goals in terms of sustainability and social responsibility, and how does this department contribute to them?

3. Can you tell me about a past decision that the team made which didn’t go as planned, and what was learned from that experience?

4. How does the company culture encourage individual innovation and support the pursuit of personal development goals?

5. What are the most important qualities you believe someone needs to excel in this position, and how do those align with the company’s values?

6. Could you give me an example of how interdepartmental collaboration works here, and how this role contributes to it?

7. In what ways has the company evolved over the last few years, and how has this position changed as a result?

8. How does the company integrate new technology and industry trends into day-to-day operations, and what role would I play in this process?

9. What are the company’s long-term plans, and how does the team I would be joining work toward these objectives?

10. Could you describe the team’s dynamic and how different personalities or work styles are managed and harmonized?

11. What is the most unconventional project or initiative the company has undertaken recently, and what was the role of this department in it?

Even just asking a few of these that are pertinent to the position or relate to areas that you’d like to know more can help leave a lasting impression, convey interest and enthusiasm, and most importantly; give you the edge over other applicants.

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About the Author

James Waite

Founder of Remoteopia, James has worked in remote roles for 6 years. After a stint in recruitment, he now works as a director of website strategy in tech.

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