101 This Or That Questions For Work Team Building

this or that questions for work

This or that questions act as a great way to insert a quick, fun icebreaker into your next team video call or team building event.

Here are my top 101 this or that work questions to get to know your colleagues a bit better and inject some energy into your next meeting:

General Work Preferences

  1. Early morning start or late evening finish?
  2. Office cubicle or open workspace?
  3. Remote work or in-office work?
  4. Weekly meetings or daily check-ins?
  5. Team projects or individual projects?
  6. Formal dress code or casual dress code?
  7. Private office or shared workspace?
  8. Flexible hours or set schedule?
  9. Short, intense workday or longer, more relaxed day?
  10. Quiet office or busy, energetic office?

Professional Development

  1. Mentorship or self-learning?
  2. Promotion without a raise or raise without a promotion?
  3. Workshops or online courses?
  4. Leadership training or technical skills training?
  5. Specialize in one skill or generalize in many?
  6. Stay in one industry or switch industries?
  7. Work on weaknesses or develop strengths?
  8. Attend conferences or networking events?
  9. Expert in your field or jack of all trades?
  10. Job security or career growth?

Office Culture

  1. Team lunches or team-building activities?
  2. Company retreat or holiday party?
  3. Coffee machine or snack bar?
  4. Office pets or no pets?
  5. Frequent feedback or annual reviews?
  6. Casual Fridays or work-from-home Fridays?
  7. Company swag or extra vacation days?
  8. Workplace friendships or strictly professional relationships?
  9. Formal emails or informal chats?
  10. Celebrating birthdays or celebrating work anniversaries?

Productivity and Work Style

  1. Digital planner or paper planner?
  2. To-do lists or project management software?
  3. Morning meetings or afternoon meetings?
  4. Scheduled breaks or work straight through?
  5. Focus on one task or multitask?
  6. Brainstorm in a group or brainstorm alone?
  7. Detailed plan or broad vision?
  8. Cluttered desk or cluttered inbox?
  9. Quick wins or long-term projects?
  10. Work under pressure or work with plenty of time?

Career Path

  1. High-paying job or fulfilling job?
  2. Climb the corporate ladder or stay in a comfortable role?
  3. Work in a startup or work in a large corporation?
  4. Be a specialist or be a generalist?
  5. Frequent job changes or stay with one company?
  6. Work in a competitive environment or work in a collaborative environment?
  7. Leadership role or expert role?
  8. Travel for work or stay local?
  9. High responsibility or low pressure?
  10. Work-life balance or career advancement?

Relationships at Work

  1. Work closely with your boss or work independently?
  2. Have a mentor or be a mentor?
  3. Give feedback or receive feedback?
  4. Work with a small team or work with a large team?
  5. Friendly coworkers or professional coworkers?
  6. Collaborate or delegate?
  7. Handle client relations or focus on internal tasks?
  8. Be the go-to person or fly under the radar?
  9. Colleague who’s always on time or colleague who’s always productive?
  10. Work with a diverse team or work with like-minded individuals?

Communication and Meetings

  1. Face-to-face meetings or virtual meetings?
  2. Quick huddles or detailed discussions?
  3. Email or instant messaging?
  4. Phone calls or video calls?
  5. Weekly status updates or monthly progress reports?
  6. One-on-one meetings or team meetings?
  7. Public speaking or written communication?
  8. Formal presentations or informal discussions?
  9. Share ideas openly or keep ideas to yourself until they’re developed?
  10. Debate in meetings or agree to disagree?

Office Environment

  1. Standing desk or traditional desk?
  2. Office with a view or office in a quiet area?
  3. Open windows or air conditioning?
  4. Plants in the office or minimalist office?
  5. Music in the background or silent workspace?
  6. Bright lighting or soft, warm lighting?
  7. Modern office design or classic office design?
  8. Artwork on the walls or clean, empty walls?
  9. Central location or out-of-town location?
  10. City office or suburban office?

Tech and Tools

  1. Mac or PC?
  2. Cloud storage or local storage?
  3. Company-provided equipment or bring your own device?
  4. Work laptop or work desktop?
  5. Paperless office or traditional paper?
  6. Advanced software or simple tools?
  7. High-tech gadgets or basic necessities?
  8. In-house IT support or outsourced IT support?
  9. Multiple monitors or single monitor?
  10. Automated processes or manual processes?

Fun and Unique

  1. Office potluck or catered lunch?
  2. Casual office games or formal team challenges?
  3. Theme days (e.g., Hawaiian shirt day) or no theme days?
  4. Office pranks or no pranks?
  5. Celebrating small wins or celebrating big achievements?
  6. Birthday cake or birthday card?
  7. Company sports team or company book club?
  8. Karaoke night or trivia night?
  9. Office Olympics or charity run?
  10. Bring your pet to work day or bring your child to work day?
  11. Office happy hour or office picnic?
james waite face
About the Author

James Waite

Founder of Remoteopia, James has worked in remote roles for 6 years. After a stint in recruitment, he now works as a director of website strategy in tech.

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