Remote Work vs Work From Home

“Remote work” is a broad term encompassing work done from anywhere outside a traditional office setting, while “work from home” specifically refers to working from one’s residence, implying a more limited scope for locations than remote work.

Difference Between Remote Work And Work From Home

Let’s dig a little deeper into some of the nuances between the two:

Employment Type/Employer Policies

We’re starting here as this is going to be what determines the other parameters of your remote work/work from home experience.

Depending on your contract or company policy, some work from home workers might be able to work hours outside of their 9-5 and in different locations, other than their home. I have seen this, but it’s considered the exception rather than the norm. The general rule is you work from your house.

Non work from home remote workers can have a lot more flexibility depending on their contract. This not only means working from whatever place you want, but potentially whatever geography you want and whatever hours (provided you meet your contracted weekly 25, 35 contracted hours etc).

Always check with your company if you’re not sure to avoid any nasty repercussions. 


Depending on your contract, remote workers that don’t need to be at home will largely be able to set up shop wherever they like, as long as the location enables them to get their work done efficiently.

A local cafe, a shared workspace, on the train, at a beach club, as long as you have a stable internet connection, you’re good to go! Geographic location tends to be more flexible for remote workers too.

working from home vs remote work

As the name suggests, contracted wfh employees should undertake their work in their domicile. There might be some flexibility, depending on your contract.

Working Environment

Unlike in office attendance, in both scenarios, the emphasis is on the employee to satisfy the needs of their individual working environment. 

Some companies will offer a stipend or one time payment for staff to purchase items like additional monitors, laptop stands etc. In extremely rare cases I have seen home costs such as additional electric costs covered, but this was mainly during Covid.

For the most part, both remote work and work from home staff will be using the same technology to connect to their companies online tools and resources.


Whilst the internal cybersecurity features of a lot of companies will be running on all company devices no matter where you are, remote workers have additional considerations. 

Passwords and usernames are more easily observed being input in public spaces, sensitive information also only requires someone looking over your shoulder. Stolen devices that are not just lost, but can also be broken into to get hold of valuable personal and business data, are also a common threat.

cybersecurity risk working remote

All employees should be aware and up to date with their company’s cybersecurity measures. 

Check out this guide to remote work security to find out how you might be able to further protect yourself.

Remote Work vs Work From Home

Those are the big differences between remote work vs work from home. If you’d like to know more, the following resources might be able to offer some insight:

james waite face
About the Author

James Waite

Founder of Remoteopia, James has worked in remote roles for 6 years. After a stint in recruitment, he now works as a director of website strategy in tech.

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