27 Fun Facts About Me Ideas

fun facts about me

Tell me a fun fact about yourself…

This question comes up quite often in interviews and on team calls where you’re introducing yourself for the first time.

If you’re not prepared it can make for a nervy scenario where you’re scrambling across the timeline of your life for something that’s both unique enough, but also work appropriate!

If you’ve been in that boat before, or you’re looking for some inspiration, have no fear, here are 27 fun facts about me examples that anyone can use.

Fun Facts About Me Ideas

1. Your favorite book as a kid

My favorite book as a kid was “The Chronicles of Narnia” by C.S. Lewis. I loved getting lost in the magical world of Narnia, imagining myself alongside Lucy, Edmund, Susan, and Peter as they went on their incredible adventures. The story ignited my imagination and fostered my lifelong love for reading.

2. Your irrational fear:

I have an irrational fear of clowns. Ever since I watched a scary movie at a friend’s sleepover when I was seven, I can’t help but feel uneasy around clowns. Their exaggerated features and painted-on smiles always send a shiver down my spine.

3. Your go-to karaoke song:

My go-to karaoke song is “Living on a Prayer” by Bon Jovi. It’s a classic that always gets the crowd singing along. I love belting out the chorus and feeding off the energy of everyone joining in. It’s the perfect song to break the ice and have a good time.

4. Your favorite movie of all time:

My favorite movie of all time is “The Shawshank Redemption.” The story of Andy Dufresne’s resilience and hope, even in the darkest of times, is incredibly inspiring. I’ve watched it countless times, and each viewing reminds me of the power of perseverance and friendship.

5. Your favorite guilty pleasure snack:

My favorite guilty pleasure snack is chocolate-covered pretzels. The combination of sweet and salty is irresistible, and I often find myself munching on them during late-night movie marathons. They’re my go-to treat when I need a little pick-me-up.

6. Your childhood dream job:

As a child, I dreamed of becoming a marine biologist. I was fascinated by the ocean and its mysterious creatures. I spent hours reading about dolphins, sharks, and coral reefs, and I imagined myself diving into the deep blue sea to study marine life up close.

7. Your lucky charm:

My lucky charm is a small seashell I found on the beach during a family vacation when I was eight. It has a unique swirl pattern, and I’ve kept it with me ever since. Whenever I’m nervous or need a bit of luck, I hold it in my hand and feel a sense of calm wash over me.

8. Your most embarrassing moment:

My most embarrassing moment was slipping and falling on stage during a school play. I was so excited to perform, but when my big moment came, I tripped on a prop and landed flat on my face. The audience gasped, but I quickly got up and finished my lines. It taught me to laugh at myself and keep going, no matter what.

9. A contest you once won:

I once won a pie-eating contest at a county fair. I had to eat as much cherry pie as possible in three minutes without using my hands. It was messy and hilarious, but I managed to eat the most and walked away with a blue ribbon and a very full stomach.

10. Your favorite holiday tradition:

My favorite holiday tradition is making gingerbread houses with my family. Each year, we gather around the kitchen table with piles of candy, frosting, and gingerbread pieces. We get competitive, trying to outdo each other with the most creative designs, but it’s all in good fun.

11. A secret talent you have:

I have a secret talent for doing card tricks. I’ve spent years practicing sleight of hand and can perform a variety of impressive tricks. It’s always fun to pull out a deck of cards at parties and amaze my friends with my skills.

12. Your favorite season and why:

My favorite season is autumn because I love the crisp air, colorful leaves, and cozy atmosphere. There’s nothing better than going for a walk in the park, surrounded by vibrant reds, oranges, and yellows, and then coming home to a warm cup of apple cider.

13. An unusual food you’ve tried:

I’ve tried fried crickets and surprisingly enjoyed them. While traveling in Thailand, I decided to be adventurous and give them a try. They were crunchy and had a slightly nutty flavor, much better than I expected.

14. Your childhood nickname:

My childhood nickname was “Sparky” because I was always full of energy and couldn’t sit still. My family said I was like a little firecracker, always running around and coming up with new ideas and games to play.

15. A celebrity you’ve met:

I once met Chris Hemsworth at an airport. I was waiting for my flight when I spotted him in the terminal. I nervously approached him for a quick photo, and he was incredibly kind and down-to-earth. It’s a moment I’ll never forget.

16. A hobby you’re passionate about:

I’m passionate about painting landscapes. I find it incredibly relaxing and a great way to express my creativity. I love setting up my easel in different outdoor locations and capturing the beauty of nature on canvas.

17. A memorable road trip you’ve taken:

A memorable road trip I took was driving along the Pacific Coast Highway with my best friend. We spent a week exploring the stunning coastline, stopping at picturesque towns, and taking in breathtaking views. It was an adventure filled with laughter and unforgettable moments.

18. An item on your bucket list:

An item on my bucket list is to skydive over the Swiss Alps. The idea of jumping out of a plane and soaring above the majestic mountains is both thrilling and terrifying, but it’s something I’ve always wanted to experience.

19. A funny family tradition:

A funny family tradition is our annual “ugly sweater” contest during the holidays. Each year, we try to outdo each other with the most outrageous and over-the-top sweaters. It’s always a highlight of our celebrations and guarantees a lot of laughs.

20. A language you speak or want to learn:

I want to learn Japanese to better appreciate its culture. I’m fascinated by the language and would love to visit Japan someday and immerse myself in its traditions and history.

21. A place you’d love to visit someday:

I’d love to visit the Maldives someday. The idea of staying in an overwater bungalow, surrounded by crystal-clear turquoise waters, sounds like paradise to me. It’s at the top of my travel bucket list.

22. A special skill you have:

I have a special skill for baking intricate cakes. I’ve spent years honing my techniques and can create elaborate designs that are almost too beautiful to eat. It’s a rewarding hobby that always brings joy to others.

23. A cause you’re passionate about:

I’m passionate about environmental conservation and volunteer regularly with a local organization. I believe it’s crucial to protect our planet for future generations, and I love participating in beach cleanups and tree-planting events.

24. Your favorite superhero or fictional character:

My favorite superhero is Wonder Woman because of her strength and compassion. She’s a symbol of empowerment and justice, and her stories always inspire me to stand up for what’s right.

25. A book that changed your life:

A book that changed my life is “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee. It opened my eyes to issues of racism and social justice and taught me the importance of empathy and standing up for others.

26. A weird talent or party trick you have:

I have a weird talent for wiggling my ears. It’s a quirky trick that never fails to amuse people at parties. I discovered I could do it when I was a kid, and it’s been a fun conversation starter ever since.

27. Your favorite quote or saying:

My favorite quote is “The only way to do great work is to love what you do” – Steve Jobs. This quote motivates me to pursue my passions and reminds me that doing what I love leads to the best results.


If you’re still searching for the ideal fun fact, take your time to think on it. These things sometimes come to us at the times we’re least thinking about them!

If you’re preparing for an interview, these resources might come in handy:

james waite face
About the Author

James Waite

Founder of Remoteopia, James has worked in remote roles for 6 years. After a stint in recruitment, he now works as a director of website strategy in tech.

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