23 Bulletproof Excuses To Get Out Of Work

bulletproof excuses to get out of work

Most good bosses should just accept that you need the time off because of xxxxx.

But if for whatever reason you need something more convincing, let’s delve into some bulletproof excuses to get out of work last minute, well in advance or for an entire week!

The below are all bulletproof excuses to get out of work, but have been graded by their pitfalls such as potential follow up questions and the amount of time they’ll get you off of work!

1) You don’t feel well – 8/10

A classic. Vague, but an often accepted excuse that doesn’t usually lead to much follow-up.

But, be prepared for a couple of follow up questions just in case.

2) I have a bad stomach – 9/10

A subgenre of ‘I don’t feel well’ but with an added bonus.

Most people don’t want to hear about how much you’ve thrown up or been sat on the toilet. So it gets an extra point for its aversion to questioning! 

Good to be utilized for a solid 3 days.

3) My child is sick – 7/10

Make sure you have a child, or at least your boss knows whether you’re a parent or not before using your offspring to weave your way out of logging on.

Pretty convincing stuff. Kids get sick all the time – what loving parent wouldn’t want to be at their bedside.

4) Last minute doctor’s appointment – 7/10

A great option if you’re in a bind and need a last minute get out.

Most bosses will give you a ‘hope everything’s ok’ generic blanket statement.

But, still be prepared for some follow up queries with this.

5) Headache – 4/10

Not great. It’ll work, but most people work through headaches, unless they’re really severe.

Maybe upgrade it to migraine to add some intensity to the ordeal.

Will probably only get you one day off.

6) Physical injury – 6/10

Needs to preferably be related to your ability to do your job. If you work on your computer all day, a stubbed toe tale won’t do much to convince your boss.

If you’re going into the office, it’ll need to be something that’s not visible or heals quickly to avoid having to go through show and tell.

7) Sudden illness – 7/10

Dramatic, but convincing. Likely to result in follow up questioning due to the intrigue.

You’ll need to be well researched on your illness to make sure it sticks.

Leaves a good amount of wiggle room for how long you want to take off too.

8) Pet emergency – 8/10

It’s not me boss, it’s my parrot. A solid excuse that means your hands are tied. 

Emergency is nice and vague too to help avoid too many follow up queries.

9) Family emergency – 7/10

Will do the job. Might help avoid follow up questions as it’s about someone else

10) Got a leak – 9/10

No way you can work when you have a leak – your entire home is in jeopardy!

What’s your manager going to do? Come over and have a look.

A bulletproof excuse indeed.

11) Locked out of house 6/10

How are you supposed to work?

Makes you look a bit foolish, but it’s a small price to pay for a day off.

12) Technical difficulties – 9/10

Vague. You’d probably want to add a bit of color – my internet provider has gone down etc.

Will only buy you a day, but highly believable.

13) Funeral – 8/10

Personally I wouldn’t make this one up, it feels a bit like tempting fate.

It’s a surefire way to get time off though, unless your boss is unhinged.

Follow up questions almost guaranteed.

14) Back pain – 5/10

A little bit on the weak side, but back pain can be a legitimate problem, especially for remote workers.

It can also range widely in severity so there’s plausibility in this one.

You legit will have to have scheduled this in and got approval.

But do you have to go? Maybe not!

Make sure this was a solo mission though so that there’s no – oh Tim from Sales was there and said he didn’t see you.

16) Allergies – 4/10

Bit weak – they’d have to be some pretty bad allergies.

For most of these, make sure your allergy aligns to the season you’re in.

Complaining about hayfever in winter could raise suspicion!

17) Jury duty – 9/10

Stonewall gem of an excuse -the best part? They can’t ask any follow up questions as legally you’re bound to secrecy.

Just make sure your boss or HR department aren’t the types to ask to see the letter!

Could get you up to two weeks off!

18) No power – 6/10

It can happen! A power outage will probably only get you a day off at best.

You might want to affirm that your laptop is out of internal battery so you’re not asked to tether to your phone to get back online.

19) Dental problem – 7/10

Teeth issues can be pretty painful so this one’s legit.

Will only get you a short period off, but should wash pretty easily.

20) Can’t find the specs/contact lenses – 7/10

This one’s not that bad of an excuse.

It’ll only get you about a day off.

Hopefully your boss isn’t the type to send you a podcast to listen to whilst you search for your misplaced lenses.

21) Personal issues 8/10

Vague but tends to avoid much follow up.

Has a long shelf life due to its vagueness.

22) Say nothing, just don’t show up! – 3/10

A daring option. If you can’t think of a decent excuse to get out of work then don’t use one!

You will then need 2 excuses when you return to work, though. One for why you were off and one for why you didn’t communicate it!

23) Be honest – 10/10

Whatever the reason you need to get out of work, for however long. Honesty is the best policy.

If your manager is half decent they’ll understand. There’s more important things in this world than work.

Frequently Asked Questions

How should I deliver my bulletproof excuse/over what channel?

The best channel to inform your boss depends on the norms of your workplace and the urgency of the situation. Phone call, email, Slack message or if you have their personal number, text can all be used.

What’s a good excuse to get out of work early?

Medical appointments, family emergencies, unwell children, home emergencies can all get you off work early.

Will I need a doctor’s note for medical excuses?

Whether or not you need a note will entirely depend on your company policy. Commonly an absence of over 1-2 weeks for medical reasons requires a note from a doctor.

Can I get in trouble for making up an excuse to get out of work?

Potentially, making up an excuse to get out of work can get you into trouble. Honesty is often the best policy. 

james waite face
About the Author

James Waite

Founder of Remoteopia, James has worked in remote roles for 6 years. After a stint in recruitment, he now works as a director of website strategy in tech.

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