Top 10 Best Work-Life Balance Jobs

best work life balance jobs

I’ll be honest with you from the get go. There are some jobs that offer better work-life balance than others. But, it’s also worth keeping in mind that the job alone isn’t the sole indicator of good work-life balance.

The country you live in, the work culture of that country, the company you work for, or whether you work for yourself, all contextualize work-life balance and go a long way to determining the work-life balance of a role.

You also need to consider whether it’s part-time, full-time or freelance to get an understanding of the biggest factor when it comes to work-life balance; hours.

Depending on your preferences, a job that’s either office based, hybrid or remote will also impact your day to day life a substantial amount.

With that in mind, here are the best work-life balance jobs, the vast majority of which can be done remotely:

1) Freelance Gigs

Average Salary | Varies

Sites like UpWork and Fiverr are a goldmine for anyone looking to take complete control of their working hours. 

Design work, copywriting, digital marketing, data input, the list of jobs you can take on for different skills are extremely wide ranging.

Once you’ve built a portfolio up and some reviews, you can charge a better rate for your services.

Freelance work offers some of the best work-life balance jobs as it makes you your own boss and gives you complete control over when, what and who you work for, creating a great work-life balance for anyones with a discernible skill that can be delivered digitally. 

2) Influencer

Average Salary | Varies

If you have a passion for literally any topic, influencer marketing offers a great pathway to great work-life balance along with the potential to be quite lucrative.

Once you’ve got a niche, a channel like YouTube, TikTok, Instagram etc should be decided on to start producing content.

You can make this content whenever you please, giving you the freedom to work your own hours.

The reason I’ve put this so high for work-life balance is because you’re talking about and creating content on something you love. There’s nothing more rewarding to be doing something you’re passionate about and making a living in the process.

A passion for one’s work makes life happier and work no longer work

Catherine Pulsifer

3) Fitness Instructor

Average Salary | $46,000/£25,000

Similar to being an influencer, the same quote applies. If you want to go into fitness, you’re probably going to be pretty passionate about it and love what you do so that it doesn’t feel like work.

Flexible hours, a variety of locations, meeting new people are some of the great elements that this type of work can offer.

There’s also good agility here when it comes to the options between full-time contract work and self employment. You can even seup and run classes online from home if that’s more your preference.

There’s also the added benefit for your health and keeping in shape every day!

4) Teaching

Average Salary | $38,000 – $150,000/£30,000 – £90,000

The salary varies on this a bit all the way from an entry level teacher to a college professor.

Working school or college hours, typically 9-3pm can sound a bit better than 9-5, but academics tend to have to tag on lesson planning, admin, marking etc.

That being said, you can undertake the work for that whenever you please, giving you a lot more flexibility.

Further improvements come for work-life balance when the holidays are in session. If you’re someone who likes long-breaks or wants to go travelling, this could be a good option.

Bear in mind that teaching can be very rewarding, but also very stressful depending on a number of criteria. 

With websites such as Wyznant and Outschool, you can even do this one at home as an online tutor.

5) Writer

Average Salary | $47,000- $65,000/£30,000 – £50,000

I write a lot and I find it helps me focus on one thing, which for me, causes me no stress compared to my digital marketing job where I’m being pulled in every which direction.

I actually find writing quite therapeutic and relaxing, which, if you do too, might make it a good option if you’re looking for a role with good work-life balance in regards to a diminishing return on stress! 

There’s always demand for good copywriters. With the advent of AI for copywriting, high quality writing is going to be even more in demand to stand out from the drove of automated copy.

Being an author who wrote a page a day and drank tea all day would make me a very happy person! I digress..

6) Librarian

Average Salary | $53,000/£29,000

If a peaceful environment and books are your bag, this one’s probably as close to the sweet spot as it comes to a role with the best work-life balance on offer.

You’ll need to be good at sorting and admin, but dealing with people in libraries tends to be a relatively tranquil experience.

Libraries tend to not be open at any irregular hours too, offering a good balance between work and your personal life.

7) HR

Average Salary | $80,000/£42,000

Working in HR tends to be steadier day to day than working in the sales department for example.

If you like consistency, this could be a good option for you. Hours tend to also be consistent. 

One of the best things about HR is that you are in the most powerful position to improve your and others work-life balance.

If you’re proactive, gather employee feedback and actively listen to staff, you get to take some control over shaping a work-life balance that works for you and others!

8) Events

Average Salary | $58,000/£40,000

I used to work in events about 10 years ago and I loved the variety it gave me. I was able to travel, get out of the office on a regular basis and meet a lot of new people.

Now I’m 36 it’s perhaps not quite got the same appeal, but for anyone in their 20s I’d highly recommend events.

It’s also a great way to network with a tonne of people and set up connections that can do wonders for you later on in your career. 

You could also speak to people in a variety of industries and roles and find out what the best work-life balance jobs look like, or which ones appeal to you the most.

9) Video Editor

Average Salary | $65,000/£32,000

Video editing jobs offer a unique blend of creativity and technical skills, often allowing for remote work or flexible hours. 

Project-based tasks, where editors can immerse themselves in diverse and engaging projects, contribute to a fulfilling work-life balance. 

Having freedom to manage timelines and get involved in both individual and collaborative work with lots of new, creative people make video editing a profession well suited to a healthy work-life balance.

10) Web Designer

Average Salary | $68,000/£35,000

Web design can offer a good work-life balance due to its flexibility, often allowing remote work and independent scheduling. 

There can be a lot of freelance opportunities and project-based work contribute to consistent structures of work and the creative nature of the job can make it enjoyable. 

Continuous learning and technology and advancements in AI can go a long way to helping streamline a number of tasks too. 

Best Work-Life Balance Jobs Conclusion

When you’re on the hunt for the best work-life balance jobs, consider that if your current role is nowhere where you want to be in this regard, then you might have to take a slightly different career path.

Take time to speak to people who are in any professions you might be considering to understand the nuances and whether it’s right for you.

james waite face
About the Author

James Waite

Founder of Remoteopia, James has worked in remote roles for 6 years. After a stint in recruitment, he now works as a director of website strategy in tech.

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