7 Remote Work Hacks

remote work hacks

Here are my best remote from hacks to save you time, increase productivity, and keep you safe when working remotely.

VPN For Security

A VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a must when working in public locations. A VPN encrypts your internet connection creating a secure, private sync between your device and the server.

A lot of public WIFI spots are not secure and thus connecting to them puts you at immediate risk of hackers stealing data from your device, passwords and usernames, intercepting comms, hijacking sessions and malware to name just a few.

Make sure you’re running a trusted VPN such as NordVPN or Surfshark to ensure that your connection is secure and you don’t have to worry about any nasty surprises.

Choose Seating Strategically

There’s a few reasons why sitting with your back to a wall might be best for certain remote working environments.

For example, if you’re in a busy cafe, for example, you can’t be too sure who’s looking at your screen. Any suspicious individuals taking a note of your security credentials could have very harmful repercussions.

Sitting with your back to a wall can also be a good idea when you’re taking conference calls, if you don’t have a blurred, or virtual background set up it can help prevent numerous distractions happening behind you and interrupting the call.

Moreover, comfort is a big factor if you’re going to spend all day working in a remote environment. Long bench like seating with no back rests, or wooden seats are going to be very uncomfortable for long periods.

Try to get to your desired location early to secure the most comfortable spot.

Privacy Filters For Screens

Remote work security is so important that we’re going to treble down on the topic with screen privacy filters.

These inexpensive covers for your laptop or monitor are great for working in public spaces as they obscure your screen from angels other than your direct view protecting sensitive information from any prying eyes.

You can pick a Privacy Screen Protector up on Amazon for common screen sizes:

Mobile Hotspot Backup

WIFI connections in public spots tend to be pretty erratic at the best of times. There’s nothing worse than when you’re deep in an important piece of work or on a call and the plug gets pulled.

Having a mobile hotspot that you can tether too in such emergencies is a lifesaver to keep you connected and productive throught the day.

Network interruptions tend to be short  lived so you shouldn’t have to spend all day utilizing slower methods and burning data, but 15-20 minutes here and there is 100% worth it.

Here’s how to connect:

Apple IOS


Again, make sure you have a strong password for your hotspot and use a VPN to keep your connection secure!

Ergonomic Hacks

Remaining in the same seated position with the same posture without regard for ergonomics can result in significant strain on the body, especially in the neck and back.

This is particularly true when working from a remote workspace where you have little control over the desk and seating setup

Here are a few remote work hacks to alleviate the problem:

Utilize cushions to soften your seat and provide better support for your back. You might be able to find these where you’re working or you could take a small one out with you.

Elevate your screen to eye level by placing books, cushions or a shoebox underneath it. This is effective in reducing upper-back pain caused by hunching over laptops or screens.

If you spend extended hours sitting, consider standing for a few hours each day to improve blood flow and relieve tension from prolonged sitting.

Ensure your laptop is elevated to eye level, and use the laptop’s touchpad and keyboard, avoiding the need for an external mouse and keyboard that may require reaching down.

Noise Cancelling Apps And Headphones

A good pair of noise cancelling headphones is pretty much a must in a remote work environment.

But did you know that you can download noise cancelling apps too?

These apps eliminate ambient noise to help you focus and create a more quiet, peaceful environment to work in.

Features such as incoming noise neutralizaiton, white noise and soundscape generation, frequency filtering along with a number of customizable options and headphone integrations make these apps a game changer.

Check out some of the available options here.

Video Conferencing Backgrounds

Navigating video conferencing can be challenging, particularly when you’re working in public spaces and all types of distractions can appear in the back of your screen.

To avoid interruptions during your calls and maintain the focus of the call participants, consider implementing a virtual background or using the blurred background feature in your video conferencing tool. 

This ensures that regardless of the activity behind you, it remains anonymous to others on the call, preserving your professional image.

How to set up a backgrounds with commonly used video conferencing tools: 


Microsoft Teams

Google Meet

Remote Work Hacks Conclusion

I hope these remote work hacks give you a few ideas on how to improve your working environment and make you more productive.

If you’re also working from home, check out these Work From Home Hacks for a few more ideas.

james waite face
About the Author

James Waite

Founder of Remoteopia, James has worked in remote roles for 6 years. After a stint in recruitment, he now works as a director of website strategy in tech.

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